Cartooning & Graphic Novels (FA-1) | IN-PERSON CLASS

Cartooning & Graphic Novels (FA-1) | IN-PERSON CLASS
Instructor - Mike Stovall
All Levels
Monday evenings, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
April 7 - May 19
7 weeks
$450 public / pay-what-you-can
Studio 3
Cartooning is a process, a language and an art form. This class will provide students with the means for creative self-discovery and the exploration of complex ideas through visual, sequential storytelling. Students will record their observations, experiences and memories in their sketchbook and then translate that material into pictographic narratives...some only one panel and some multiple pages. The class is essentially a writing and an art class rolled into one. The class focuses much more on story and process than drawing skills.
This program has limited seating. Once registered, attendance to these courses is highly encouraged. Membership discounts are not applicable to Flexible Access courses. All courses take place at Art League Houston unless noted otherwise. If a payment option isn’t available, contact the ALH School during office hours for assistance at or 713.523.9530 ext. 3. By registering for a class at Art League Houston, you agree to the Art League School policies (please review terms and conditions before registering).