Drawing: Imaginative Problem-Solving (FA-1) | IN-PERSON CLASS

Drawing: Imaginative Problem-Solving (FA-1) | IN-PERSON CLASS


Instructor - Gerald James Rhodes

All Levels
Wednesday evening, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
July 24 - August 21
5 weeks
$375 public / Pay-What-You-Can

Studio 1

I love it when a dominantly left-brain thinker crosses that bridge to the right side of their brain! I often hear people sell themselves short by saying they are not creative. Here is a secret, creativity is just problem-solving. We, as humans, were born problem solvers. Which makes us all creative to some degree. Do you remember when you played with the box the toy came in more than the actual toy? Or, when you enjoyed the process of building the sandcastle much more than the actual completion of it?  In those moments, you were being creative! All you must do is dive back into making. In this 5-week class, participants will learn basic pen and ink techniques, diagram making, a little typography, and some principles of design. And a dash of graphics design logic. Some art and design history. You will learn how to have fun with note-taking, and better communicate with your friends and family. You will be able to remind your co-workers that, "Work. It's just serious play." - Saul Bass

This program has limited seating. Once registered, attendance to these courses is highly encouraged. Membership discounts are not applicable to Flexible Access courses. All courses take place at Art League Houston unless noted otherwise. Contact the ALH School during office hours to register under Pay-What-You-Can, be placed on the waitlist or request more information at school@artleaguehouston.org or 713.523.9530 ext. 3. By registering for a class at Art League Houston, you agree to the Art League School policies (please review terms and conditions before registering).

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