Landscape Painting (P-9) | IN-PERSON CLASS

Landscape Painting (P-9) | IN-PERSON CLASS


Instructor - Steve Parker

Intermediate / Advanced
Thursday afternoons, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
April 10 - May 22
7 weeks
$450 public / $415 member

Studio 2

This class is recommended for intermediate and advanced students and/or as a continuation of "Landscape into Art." The instructor will demonstrate and discuss techniques used in landscape painting in the first class session. Painting and making studies on site is essential in creating a convincing and expressive landscape. This will be further discussed in class. The primary medium is oil, however, acrylic and water-based oil paint is accepted. Watercolor is not accepted.

By registering for a class at Art League Houston, you agree to the Art League School policies (please review terms and conditions before registering). Current Art League Houston Members can save $35 per class with membership promo code! Check your membership status by contacting the Art League School at You can also verify membership status by calling us at 713-523-9530 ext. 2 or 3 during our office hours. Reminder, purchase membership before registering to receive the promo code to apply at check out.

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