Art Thinking v2 with Kenneth Bailey
11 AM - 1 PM Saturday May 28

Charge House at 2507 Holman Street, Project Row Houses


We are in a cultural war: Are artists public intellectuals? Can we handle it? Can they handle what we dish up?

Join Kenneth Bailey for an art pundit quiz show- an action packed expanded version of the games we played during his presentation at Charge 2016 open to all artists, administrators, board members, and arts policy makers.

How do the artists that the Design Studio for Social Intervention works with approach social justice puzzles? When do we keep on our artist hats, why should we hold onto our art thinking, and how can artists ally with activists? Who should have a voice at the table that broadcasts our public imagination?

Art thinking is needed in the work of making the world a better place to live. Like the kinds of thinking currently relied upon to shape and make the world--scientific, legal, policy, financial / economic, etc--art thinking needs to find its rightful place on the world shaping stage.

About Kenneth Bailey

Kenneth Bailey was inspired to cofound the Design Studio for Social Intervention in 2006 while a fellow at MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning’s Center for Reflective Community Practice. Since then, he has put DS4SI at the forefront of sharing design tools with communities of color to help them take on complex problems like social violence, food deserts, climate change, school closings, etc. His community-based social intervention work has included Action Lab (2012-2014), Public Kitchen (2011-2013), School Lab (2012-2013), Making Planning Processes Public (2013), STREETLAB: Upham’s (2013), M/B/T/A Lab (2013), and more. His work has included collaborations with SenseLab (Montreal), Theatrum Mundi, MIT’s Center for Civic Media and Community Labor United. His recent speaking engagements have included Creative Time (2013), Hand in Glove (2013), New England Foundation for the Arts (2013), Encuentro (Brazil) 2013 and more. @ds4si

Co-presented by: The Center for Arts Leadership at University of Houston