1:00 – 2:30 PM
Session A

How to Frame Pauses, Holism, and Magical Thinking in New Arts Infrastructures: Build Your Own Utopian Artist-Run Project
Ayanna Jolivet McCloud

Why in order for things to be sucessful do they need to be endless?  How do we develop arts infrastructures that are more holistic? How can an institution be structured as a living, breathing model/ organism? How can an institution be healing and energizing? How can we develop infrastructures that embrace uncertaintly, failure, or pauses? What are some economic models that are more sustainable and attainable?

For her lecture, Ayanna will discuss past programs at labotanica and current studies on botanicas as sites for holistic, creative and subversive transactions, and efforts to relaunch labotanica as a botanica/ creative platform for artists and the community.

Session Timeline:

30 minutes (lecture):
The lecture will center on labotanica - it's past, break, and new directions.

20 minutes (lecture):
The lecture continues with a look at a few artist-run utopian models.

30 minutes (workshop):
The workshop will provide individuals with a take home model of their newly constructed utopian arts project.

10 minutes (wrap-up):
Participants will discuss highlights their projects and build a list of shared resources.

Ayanna Jolivet Mccloud is a Houston-based artist and writer. While minimal, her work is driven by explorations in materiality, physicality, and sensation. She has participated in exhibitions and residencies throughout the Caribbean, Latin America and in the U.S. and studied at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her creative practice takes on many forms including studio-based art, sound performances, community/ land/ site-specific installations, and writing/publications. She has also worked within art institutions throughout the U.S. for over 15 years, developing and contextualizing multidisciplinary programs.

labotanica, conceived by Ayanna has been a laboratory for unrealized works, works in progress, new collaborations, and a community resource. The name “labotanica” originates from botánicas which are often the sites of cultural exchange, healing, and magical thinking. Initially created as a blog, labotanica presented public projects in collaboration with Polvo in Chicago, Diaspora Vibe Gallery in Miami, and found a physical home for two years in Houston at Project Row Houses, as part of a residency. Recent projects have included a temporary school/ residency program, a series of site-specific installations/ artist residencies, a series devoted to women in experimental music, a community-driven grants program, and a burgeoning library. labotanica is currently seeking start up funds to launch a botanica/ yerberia, which will allow it to develop a more sustainable money model and further frame art in more holistic and integrative environments.

Sesión A
Cómo enmarcar pausas, holismo y pensamiento mágico en nuevas infraestructuras artísticas: Construye tu propio proyecto utópico manejado por artistas.
Ayanna Jolivet McCloud

¿Por qué las cosas tendrán que seguir existiendo para siempre para que se consideren exitosas? ¿Cómo desarrollamos infraestructuras artísticas que sean más holísticas? ¿Cómo puede una institución ser estructurada como un modelo u organismo viviente? ¿Cómo puede una institución ser sanadora y energizante? ¿Cómo podemos desarrollar infraestructuras que acojan incertidumbre, fracaso o pausas? ¿Qué modelos económicos son más sustentables y asequibles?

En su presentación, Ayanna discutirá programas previos en labotanica y estudios recientes sobre botánicas como lugares de transacciones holísticas, creativas y subversivas, y sus esfuerzos para relanzar labotanica como una plataforma botánica creativa para artistas y la comunidad.


Ayanna Jolivet Mccloud es una artista y escritora radicada en Houston.

labotanica es un laboratorio para obras sin cumplir, obras en proceso, nuevas colaboraciones y un centro de recursos para la comunidad.