charge is a two day practicum to 1. platform and convene artist led alternative models 2. open up conversations around equitable compensation of artists and 3. consider artists' work in the larger economy.
The event will feature a selection of local and national presenters (artists, curators, organizers, and researchers) who have been commissioned to conceive and host discussions, direct actions, lectures, and workshops that explore conceptual, organizational, and economic models of sustaining one’s art practice, engaging critically and generatively within the arts ecosystem as well as with broader communities, and advocating for equitable compensation along the way.
charge will focus on supporting, celebrating, convening and hearing real talk from those who've been:
- Piloting alternative models
- Experimenting creatively with how to sustain an art practice
- Intersecting arts and activist communities
- Actively intervening in current standards and practices of compensation
- Engaging both critically and generatively in the arts ecosystem
- Compiling research on how artists’ work ties into the larger economy
Advocacy for equitable compensation of artists and more effective and sustainable models in the arts is nothing new. As Houston’s arts funding policies are currently being rewritten and the city is undergoing a major cultural initiative, an event like this, centered on and starting with the artists is vital in establishing equitable policies for the future.
The $10 registration fee for charge and the cash bar from the dance party raised $889 for charge grant.
View all charge grant proposals in the order that they were received here.
All charge participants were invited to submit their proposals on this page until January 4.
The grantee will be selected via online voting open to all charge participants from January 6 - 10.
The charge grant will be announced and awarded at Gallery Homeland's inaugural Sunday Soup on January 11, 2015, which will also give out its own grant.
>> come celebrate with us!
- Houston Area Artists Report Survey Launch!
>>>The Present Group - Compensation Foundation
((Supported by Fresh Arts))
The Compensation Foundation is an online platform for collecting, sharing, and analyzing how contingent workers are compensated
Please fill out the The Houston Area Artists Report, which focuses on gathering anonymous compensation data directly from individual visual artists. It aims to make evident the current landscape of support for artists while the city of Houston embarks to determine the future of that support
Each Saturday session featured a dedicated documentarian who took notes and photos. All of Sunday was recorded in video by Jonathan Jindra.

Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts
- Chances Dances - Magic as a Survival Tactic by Gulf Coast Editor Adrienne Perry
- Rainey Day Gauges of the Grey Area by Gulf Coast Assistant & Art Lies Editor Lauren Greve
Glasstire - Artists! Get paid to do what you love by Bill Davenport
Interview on Living Art KPFT 90.1 by Michael Woodson and Alex Tu
Featuring Jennie Ash, Ayanna Jolivet McCloud, Michael Peranteau, Carrie Schneider, and Lauren Van Haaften-Schick
Free Press Houston - Michael McFadden's Interview with Carrie Schneider online and in the December issue of Free Press Houston
see it all in one place >>> CHARGE PDF
11:00 – 11:45 AM >>> Laugh Yoga with Tony Day
11:45 – 12:00 AM >>> Welcome, Intro & Coffee
12:00 – 1:00 PM >>> Party Panel Slide Show & Tell Brunch with Michelle Barnes {The Community Artists' Collective}, Nestor Topchy {TemplO/Zocalo} and Beth Secor {The Effemera Museum}
1:00 – 2:30 PM >>> Early Afternoon Sessions
Session A - How to Frame Pauses, Holism, and Magical Thinking in New Arts Infrastructures: Build Your Own Utopian Artist-Run Project ((lecture/workshop)) with Ayanna Jolivet McCloud {labotanica - Houston}
Session B - Gauging the Grey Area: A Human Spectrum ((workshop)) with Lauren van Haaften-Schick {Non-Participation - New York} and Helena Keeffe {Standard Deviation - San Francisco}
Session C - American Royalty ((discussion/direct action)) with Gabriel Martinez {Alabama Song - Houston}
Session D - Co-dependency Anonymous ((workshop)) with Dawn Weleski {Conflict Kitchen/City Council Wrestling/Bus Stop Opera - Pittsburgh}
2:30 – 3:00 PM >>> Snack Break
3:00 – 4:30 PM >>> Late Afternoon Sessions
Session E - Fishing for Answers ((presentation/discussion)) with Zach Moser {Shrimp Boat Projects/Workshop Houston/The Big Parade - Houston}
Session F - Gauging the Grey Area: Quiz Me ((workshop)) with Helena Keeffe {Standard Deviation - San Francisco} and Lauren van Haaften-Schick {Non-Participation - New York}
Session G - Party Out of Bounds ((presentation)) with Aay Preston-Myint {Chances Dances - Chicago}
Session H - Just Give’em the Loot ((workshop)) with Robert Pruitt and M’kina Tapscott {H.O.S.T - Houston}
4:30 – 6:00 PM >>> ((civil twilight)) Sunset & drinks on Art League patio
6:00 - 8:00 PM >>> ((nautical twilight)) Grab dinner / Put on your dancin shoes
8:00 - 12:00 PM >>> ((astronomical twilight)) Dance Party @ Civic TV Collective 2119 Dallas St >>>OPEN TO ALL<<<
VHS Vinylandia by Stephanie Saint Sanchez AKA DJ ESTEFF {Houston}
DJ Flash Gordon Parks {Houston}
Lantern Release
11:00 AM >>> Welcome & Introduction
11:15 – 12:45 PM >>> Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) ((lecture)) with Lise Soskolne {New York}
12:45 – 1:00 PM >>> Snack Break
1:00 – 1:45 PM >>> At Any Cost: Economics, Politics, and Value ((lecture)) with Alison Gerber {Yale}
2:00 – 3:00 PM >>> Lunch and Session Shares ((Pecha Kucha lite))
3:00 – 3:45 PM >>> Do What You Love And You'll Never Work Another Day In Your Life: Economic calculations and political battles ((panel discussion)) with Alison Gerber, Helena Keeffe, Ayanna McCloud, and Zach Moser
3:45 - 4:00 PM >>> Open Floor Q&A Session
charge is co-organized by Jennie Ash and Carrie Schneider and presented by Art League Houston.
This event is inspired by Valuing Labor in the Arts: A Practicum organized by Helena Keefe and Shannon Jackson at The Arts Research Center (ARC) at UC Berkeley.
Special thanks to Carrie Schneider, Hayley McSwain, Isabel Cuenca, Ronald L. Jones, BLUEorange Gallery, David Shelton Gallery, Fresh Arts, Mary Magsamen, Civic TV Collective, Dessert Gallery, Inversion Coffee & Art and Deep Eddy Vodka.
charge es un curso práctico de dos días para 1. resaltar y reunir modelos alternativos creados por artistas 2. generar conversaciones en torno a la compensación equitativa de los artistas y 3. considerar el trabajo de los artistas respecto al resto de la economía.
El evento contará con una selección de ponentes locales y nacionales (artistas, curadores, organizadores e investigadores) que presentarán discusiones, acciones, conferencias y talleres explorando modelos conceptuales, organizativos y económicos que mantienen la práctica artística individual y, de esta manera, participan de forma crítica y generativa dentro del ecosistema artístico, así como con otras comunidades más amplias mientras abogan por la compensación equitativa.
charge se enfocará en apoyar, celebrar, convocar y escuchar la conversación de aquellos que han:
- Iniciado y puesto a prueba modelos alternativos
- Experimentado creativamente con cómo sustentar la práctica artística
- Explorado la intersección del arte con las comunidades activistas
- Intervenido activamente los nuevos modelos y prácticas de compensación
- Participado crítica y productivamente en el ecosistema artístico
- Compilado estudios sobre la relación del trabajo artístico con el resto de la economía
La promoción de la compensación equitativa para los artistas y para modelos más eficaces y sustentables en las artes no es nada nuevo. En un momento como ahora en que se están reescribiendo las políticas de financiación de las artes en Houston y mientras la ciudad está experimentando una importante iniciativa cultural, un evento como este, centrado en y comenzando con los artistas es vital en el establecimiento de políticas equitativas para el futuro.
sábado NOV 8
11:00 – 11:45 AM >>> Yoga de la risa por Tony Day
11:45 – 12:00 AM >>> Bienvenido, Intro y Café
12:00 – 1:00 PM >>> Panel/Fiesta con presentación de diapositivas, brunch y conversación por tres anfitriones del Panel/Fiesta incluyendo a Nestor Topchy, Beth Secor y Michelle Barnes
1:00 – 2:30 PM >>> Tarde Temprano Sesiones
Sesión A - Cómo enmarcar pausas, holismo y pensamiento mágico en nuevas infraestructuras artísticas: Construye tu propio proyecto utópico manejado por artistas ((presentación/taller)) por Ayanna Jolivet McCloud {labotanica - Houston}
Sesión B - Evaluando el área gris: Un espectro humano ((taller)) por Lauren van Haaften-Schick {Non-Participation - New York} y Helena Keeffe {Standard Deviation - San Francisco}
Sesión C - Regalías estadounidenses ((discusión/acción directa)) por Gabriel Martinez {Alabama Song - Houston}
Sesión D - Co-dependencia Anónimo ((taller)) por Dawn Weleski {Conflict Kitchen/City Council Wrestling/Bus Stop Opera - Pittsburgh}
2:30 – 3:00 PM >>> Snack Receso
3:00 – 4:30 PM >>> Sesiones Final de la Tarde
Sesión E - Buscando respuestas ((presentación/discusión)) por Zach Moser {Shrimp Boat Projects/Workshop Houston/The Big Parade - Houston}
Sesión F - Evaluando el área gris: ¡Pregúntame! ((taller)) por Helena Keeffe {Standard Deviation - San Francisco} y Lauren van Haaften-Schick {Non-Participation - New York}
Sesión G - Fiesta sin límites ((presentación)) por Aay Preston-Myint {Chances Dances - Chicago}
Sesión H - Dénles el botín y ya ((taller)) por Robert Pruitt y M’kina Tapscott {H.O.S.T - Houston}
5:30 – MEDIANOCHE >>> Cena + Fiesta de Baile
VHS Vinylandia por Stephanie Saint Sanchez AKA DJ ESTEFF {Houston}
DJ Flash Gordon Parks {Houston}
Domingo NOV 9
11:00 AM >>> Bienvenida e Introducción
11:15 – 12:45 PM >>> Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) [Artistas Trabajadores y Macro Economía ] ((presentación)) por Lise Soskolne {New York}
12:45 – 1:00 PM >>> Snack Receso
1:00 – 1:45 PM >>> A cualquier precio que sea: Economía, política y valor ((conferencia)) por Alison Gerber {Yale}
2:00 – 3:00 PM >>> Almuerzo y resumen de las sesiones ((Pecha Kucha lite))
3:00 – 3:45 PM >>> Haz lo que amas y no trabajarás ni un día más en tu vida: Cálculos económicos y batallas políticas ((panel de discusión)) por Alison Gerber, Helena Keeffe, Ayanna McCloud, y Zach Moser
3:45 - 4:00 PM >>> Abierto a discusión/ Preguntas y respuestas/Q&A
Antena coordina la traducción y la interpretación. Más información sobre el trabajo de Antena en el cruce de la justicia del lenguaje y la experimentación del lenguaje se puede encontrar aquí.
John Pluecker, Carolina Villarroel and Cindy Peña hicieron las traducciones de los materiales.
>>> Si quisiera pedir interpretación simultánea durante alguna de las sesiones, por favor anótelo en su formulario de inscripción o llama (713) 523 - 9530.
Translation and interpreting coordinated by Antena. More info on Antena's work at the intersections of language justice and language experimentation can be found here.
Materials translated by John Pluecker, Carolina Villarroel and Cindy Peña.