Charge 2016 is a three day convening presented by Art League Houston to 1. platform artist led alternative models of sustainability 2. advocate for equitable compensation for artists 3. consider artists' work in the larger economy.
Charge commissions local and national presenters (artists, curators, organizers, researchers, and educators) to conceive and host discussions, direct actions, lectures and workshops that explore alternative conceptual, organizational, and economic models of sustaining one’s art practice, engaging critically and generatively within the arts ecosystem and broader social contexts, and advocating for equitable compensation along the way.
Charge 2016 will focus on supporting, celebrating and hearing real talk from those who've been:
- Intervening in their cities as citizens, artists, and organizers
- Piloting alternative models
- Experimenting imaginatively with how to sustain an art practice
- Intersecting arts and activist communities
- Inspiring the present via historic precedents
- Advancing practices of equitable compensation
- Reflecting how artists’ work ties into the larger economy
Even as our work is used to beautify a city, supplement an industry, provide content for an institution, or convey an idea that shifts our world - the voices of Artists as primary producers, idea creators, and cultural instigators are often excluded from the table.
Being Artists, however:
We've built our own table.
You are invited.
The $10 registration fee for charge raised $1,100 for charge grant.
View all 2016 charge grant proposals here listed in the order they were received.
All charge participants were invited to submit a proposal for charge grant. The only criteria for submission was that the proposal was inspired by something heard, talked about or felt at Charge. Charge Grant is given on a no-strings-attached basis.
All charge participants were invited to select the charge grant awardee via online voting.
The charge grant was announced and awarded following The MFA and the Professionalization of Art with Cindy Peña and Rachel Vogel at 4 PM on February 28, 2016 at Art League Houston. Find out who won here!
View all 2014 charge grant proposals here.

Videos from the event will be posted in March- thanks so much Houston Media Source!
In the meantime, you can watch video's of the Live Stream by Houston Media Source!
Taking Charge by Jenn Nguyen Houstonia
At Art League Houston, Helping Artists Assert Their Value by Michael Hardy Montrose District
When It Comes To Pay, Do Local Artists Get Enough Respect? by Amy Bishop on KUHF Houston Public Media
Charge 2016: A Recap by Alex Irrera on Creative Catalyst Blog
click the pink links to see the session descriptions and presenter bios, or see it all in one place >>> CHARGE 2016 PDF
@ Project Row Houses campus
5:30 - 6:30 PM >>> Project Row Houses Round 43: Small Business / Big Change Curator's Tour with Ryan Dennis - meets at 2521 Holman <FULL>
6:30 - 6:45 PM >>> Welcome with Michael Peranteau, Jennie Ash, and Carrie Schneider @ Eldorado Ballroom 2310 Elgin
6:45 - 7:15 PM >>> Art and Activism in the 1960's and Beyond (keynote) with Linda Shearer {Project Row Houses/Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum/Artists Space/Museum of Modern Art - Houston} @ Eldorado Ballroom 2310 Elgin
7:15 - 8:15 PM >>> Everything I Make Comes Back Home to Live with Me (keynote) with Caroline Woolard {OurGoods/Trade School/BFAMFAPhD/NYC Real Estate Investment Cooperative - New York} @ Eldorado Ballroom 2310 Elgin
8:15 - 8:45 PM >>> Q&A with Linda Shearer and Caroline Woolard
@ Art League Houston
10:30 – 10:45 AM >>> Welcome, Intro & Coffee
10:45 AM – 11:45 PM >>> Gauging the Grey Area: Houston Edition Spectrogram (interactive group exercise) with Nicole Burisch {Ladies Invitational Deadbeat Society - Canada/Houston} and Taraneh Fazeli {Houston/New York City}
12:00 – 1:30 PM >>> Early Afternoon Sessions
Session A - “No” is Free: The Art of Ask/Borrow/Trade/Give (You too can be an artist with little to no money down!) (interactive workshop and game) with Stephanie Saint Sanchez {La Chicana Laundry Pictures/Senorita Cinema - Houston} and Koomah {Artist - Houston}
Session B - Fe y Justicia Worker Center: Charla, La Colmena and the Justice Bus (presentation with slides) with Martha Ojeda, Alejandro Zuñiga and Mirella Nava
{Fe y Justicia Worker Center - Houston}
Session C - This Thing We Do: Houston DJ Culture Revealed (presentation) with Jason Woods {Flash Gordon Parks - Houston}
1:30 – 2:30 PM >>> Lunch Break
2:30 – 4:00 PM >>> Late Afternoon Sessions
Session D - No Justice, No Service! (Adjuncts Unite) (Interactive presentation and discussion) with Jessica Lawless {Adjunct Action/SEIU Faculty Forward/No Justice No Service: Bay Area Art & Education Justice Festival - San Francisco} and Cassie Thornton {Strike Debt Bay Area/No Justice No Service: Bay Area Art & Education Justice Festival - San Francisco}
Session E - The Laundromat Project, Supporting Artists and Communities Where They Live (presentation and workshop) with Hatuey Ramos-Fermín {Laundromat Project - New York)
Session F - Job Performance: Now You Art Me, Now You Don’t (presentation, interactive audience role play and storytelling) with Boby Kalloor {Realtor, Jenner House - Houston} and Maurice Duhon {Realtor, Cornbreadd - Houston}
4:00 – 5:00 PM >>> Sunset & drinks on Art League patio
Session G - The Game of Art (outdoor intervention installed game) with Phillip Pyle, II {Artist - Houston} and Leah Binkovitz {Journalist - Houston}
@ Art League Houston
10:00 – 10:30 AM>>> Laugh Yoga with Tony Day
10:30 – 11:30 AM >>> On Art Thinking (lecture) with Kenneth Bailey {Design Studio for Social Intervention - Boston}
11:45 – 1:15 PM >>> Sunday Sessions
Session A - W.A.G.E.N.C.Y. (presentation) with Lise Soskolne {W.A.G.E - New York}
Session B - Made of Star Stuff: Mapping Constellations of Women Creatives (presentation and interactive game) with Autumn Knight and Monica Villarreal {Creative Women Unite - Houston}
1:15 – 2:15 PM >>> Lunch and Session Shares (Pecha Kucha lite)
2:15 – 3:45 PM >>> Deal or No Deal (exhilarating game of nerves, instincts, and raw intuition) with Alison Gerber {Department of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University - Sweden} Autumn Knight, Stephanie Saint Sanchez, and Cassie Thornton
3:45 – 4:15 PM >>> Art Work: A Reading and Discussion Series (reading group intro & kickoff) with Cindy Peña {Houston} and Rachel Vogel {Suplex - Houston}
Art Work: A Reading and Discussion series with Cindy Peña and Rachel Vogel will meet 4 times on Sundays in Studio 3 at Art League Houston. Click here for readings.
Is Art Work? January 24, 2016 2:00-4:00pm
Art and Labor February 7, 2016 2:00-4:00pm
The MFA and the Professionalization of Art February 28, 2016 2:00-4:00pm
Alternative Models and Artist Projects March 13, 2016 2:00-4:00pm
Charge will literally build its own table within Round 44: Shattering the Concrete: Artists, Activists, and Instigators curated by Raquel de Anda @ Project Row Houses March 26 - June 19, 2016
Sunday, April 3 7-9 PM Charge co-organizer Carrie Schneider moderates the closing panel on the arts and alternative economies featuring Mel Chin, Rick Lowe, and M. NourbeSe Philip @ Alternative Economies, Resilient Communities symposium @ Rothko Chapel March 31 - April 3, 2016
Houston Area Artists Report Survey Launch!
>>>The Present Group - Compensation Foundation
(Supported in 2014 by Fresh Arts)
The Compensation Foundation is an online platform for collecting, sharing, and analyzing how contingent workers are compensated
Please fill out the The Houston Area Artists Report, which focuses on gathering anonymous compensation data directly from individual visual artists. It aims to make evident the current landscape of support for artists while the city of Houston embarks to determine the future of that support
Charge 2016 is co-organized by Jennie Ash and Carrie Schneider and presented by Art League Houston.
Charge is inspired by Valuing Labor in the Arts: A Practicum organized by Helena Keeffe and Shannon Jackson
at The Arts Research Center (ARC) at UC Berkeley
The first iteration of Charge took place in November 2014
Community Partner: Project Row Houses; Media Sponsor: Glasstire; Hotel Sponsor: Hotel ZaZa
Charge 2016 is funded by a City's Initiative Program Grant from the City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance,
an Arts Respond Project Grant from the Texas Commission on the Arts and individual contributions from Lavar Munroe and Letitia Huckaby.
Charge 2016 es un curso práctico de tres días presentado por Art League Houston para 1. resaltar modelos alternativos de sostenibilidad generados por artistas 2. promover la compensación equitativa de los artistas y 3. considerar el trabajo de los artistas respecto al resto de la economía.
Charge comisiona a ponentes locales y nacionales (artistas, curadores, organizadores, investigadores y educadores) para concebir y presentar discusiones, acciones, conferencias y talleres que exploran modelos conceptuales, organizativos y económicos para mantener la práctica artística individual y, de esta manera, participar de forma crítica y generativa dentro del ecosistema artístico, así como con otras comunidades más amplias mientras abogan por la compensación equitativa.
Charge 2016 se enfocará en apoyar, celebrar y escuchar la conversación de aquellos que han:
- Intervenido en sus ciudades como ciudadanos, artistas y organizadores
- Iniciado y puesto a prueba modelos alternativos
- Experimentado creativamente con cómo sustentar la práctica artística
- Explorado la intersección del arte con las comunidades activistas
- Inspirado el momento presente por medio de precedentes históricos
- Impulsado prácticas de compensación equitativa
- Reflexionado acerca de la relación del trabajo artístico con el resto de la economía
Aún cuándo nuestro trabajo se utiliza para embellecer la ciudad, apoyar una industria, proporcionar contenido para una institución o presentar una idea que cambia el mundo – las voces de los artistas como productores principales, creadores de ideas e instigadores culturalesson excluidas frecuentemente de la mesa.
Sin embargo, siendo artistas:
Hemos construido nuestra propia mesa
Estás invitado.
Léelo todo en un solo lugar >>> PDF de CHARGE 2016
5:30 - 6:30 PM >>> Project Row Houses Ronda 43: Pequeños Negocios / Grandes Cambios. Guía con la curadora, Ryan Dennis en 2521 Holman <FULL>
6:30 - 6:45 PM >>> Inauguración con Carrie Schneider y Jennie Ash en Eldorado Ballroom 2310 Elgin
6:45 - 7:15 PM >>> Arte y Activismo en los años 1960 y Más Allá (conferencia magistral) con Linda Shearer {Project Row Houses/Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum/Artists Space/Museum of Modern Art - Houston}
7:15 - 8:15 PM >>> Todo lo que Hago Se Viene a Vivir Conmigo (conferencia magistral) con Caroline Woolard {OurGoods/Trade School/BFAMFAPhD/NYC Real Estate Investment Cooperative - New York}
8:15 - 8:45 PM >>> Sesión de preguntas con Linda Shearer y Caroline Woolard
10:30 – 10:45 AM >>> Bienvenida, Introduccion y Café
10:45 AM – 11:45 PM >>> Midiendo el Area Gris: Espectrograma y Edicion Houston (ejercicio interactivo grupal) con Taraneh Fazeli {Houston/New York City} y Nicole Burisch {Ladies Invitational Deadbeat Society - Canada/Houston} <FULL>
12:00 – 1:30 PM >>> Sesiones de Mediodia
Sesión A – Un “No” Es Gratis: El Arte de Pedir/Prestar/Intercambiar/Dar (¡Tú también puedes ser artista sin poner dinero de contado!) (ejercicio y juego interactivo) con
Stephanie Saint Sanchez {La Chicana Laundry Pictures/Señorita Cinema - Houston} y Koomah {Continuum/Houston Gendermyn/QUEERLESQUE! - Houston} <FULL>
Sesión B - Centro de Trabajadores Fe y Justicia: Charla, La Colmena y el Camión de la Justicia (presentación con diapositivas) con Martha Ojeda {Fe y Justicia Worker Center
Houston} <FULL>
Sesión C – Esta Cosa Que Hacemos: Revelando la cultura del DJ en Houston (presentación) con Jason Woods {Flash Gordon Parks - Houston}
1:30 – 2:30 PM >>> Receso
2:30 – 4:00 PM >>> Sesiones de la tarde
Sesión D – ¡Sin Justicia no hay servicio! (¡Auxiliares Unidos!) (presentación y discusión interactiva) con Jessica Lawless {Adjunct Action/SEIU Faculty Forward/No Justice No
Service: Bay Area Art & Education Justice Festival - San Francisco} y Cassie Thornton {Strike Debt Bay Area/No Justice No Service: Bay Area Art & Education Justice Festival -
San Francisco} <FULL>
Sesión E - The Laundromat Project, Apoyando Artistas y sus Comunidades (presentación y ejercicio) con Hatuey Ramos-Fermín {Laundromat Project - New York)
Sesión F – Desempeño laboral: Ahora me haces arte, ahora no (presentación, juego de roles interactivo de la audiencia y narración) con Boby Kalloor {Jenner House -
Houston} y Maurice Duhon {Cornbreadd - Houston}
4:00 – 5:00 PM >>> Bebidas al atardecer en el patio de Art League
Sesión G - El juego del arte (intervención lúdica instalada al aire libre) con Phillip Pyle II {artista - Houston} y Leah Binkovitz {reportera - Houston} <FULL>
10:00 – 10:30 AM>>> Yoga de la risa con Tony Day <FULL>
10:30 – 11:30 AM >>> Sobre el pensamiento artístico (presentación) con Kenneth Bailey {Design Center for Social Intervention - Boston}
11:45 – 1:15 PM >>> Sesiones del día
Sesion A – W.A.G.E.N.C.Y. (presentacion) con Lise Soskolne {W.A.G.E - New York} <FULL>
Sesion B - Hecho de materia de estrellas: Trazando constelaciones de mujeres creativas (presentación y juego interactivo) con Autumn Knight y Monica Villarreal {Creative
Women Unite - Houston} <FULL>
1:15 – 2:15 PM >>> Comida y Pecha Kucha lite
2:15 – 3:45 PM >>> Trato o sin trato (un emocionante juego de nervios, instintos e intuición)) con Alison Gerber {Department of Social and Economic Geography at Uppsala University - Sweden} Autumn Knight, Stephanie Saint Sanchez, and Cassie Thornton
3:45 – 4:15 PM >>> Trabajo de Arte: Una serie de lecturas y discusiones (circulo de lectura y ejercicio) con Cindy Peña {Houston} y Rachel Vogel {Suplex - Houston}
El circulo de lectura Trabajo de Arte: Una serie de lecturas y discusiones con Cindy Peña {Houston} y Rachel Vogel {Suplex - Houston} se reunirá cuatro veces después del fin de semana. Consulta aquí para las fechas.
Charge va a construer (literalmente) su propia mesa en la Ronda 44: Rompiendo con lo concreto: Artistas, Activistas e Instigadores curado por Raquel de Anda en Project Row Houses del 26 de marzo al 19 de junio 2016.
El domingo, 3 de abril de 7-9 PM, Carrie Schneider, co-organizadora de Charse moderará la discusión de clausura del panel sobre las artes y economías alternativas con Mel Chin, Rick Lowe y M. NourbeSe Philip en el simposio Economías Alternativas, Comunidades Fuertes que se llevará a cabo en Rothko chapel del 31 de marzo al 3 de abril, 2016.
El costo del registro de $10 será para fundar la beca que otorga charge.
Todos los participantes de Charge 2016 serán invitados a enviar propuestas para recibir la beca después del evento.
El ganador será seleccionado por medio de una votación abierta a todos los participantes.
Haz click aquí para ver las propuestas del año pasado.
Charge 2016 es co-organizado por Jennie Ash y Carrie Schneider Y presentado por Art League Houston
Charge fue inspirado por Valorando el Trabajo en el Arte (Valuing Labor in the Arts: A Practicum) organizado por Helena Keefe y Shannon Jackson
en el Arts Research Center (ARC) de la Universidad de Berkeley
La primera iteracion de Charge se llevó a cabo en Noviembre de 2014
Charge 2016 es financiado por becas especiales de la Ciudad de Houston a través de Houston Arts Alliance y Texas Comission on the Arts.